Dave Does Disney – Episode Two – Epcot


The thrilling saga of some dork’s trip to Walt Disney World continues! Today, Dave looks at a theme park dedicated to The World, whether that world is Of The Future or Being Showcased.

Dave Does Disney – Episode One – The Magic Kingdom


When I was in Orlando last spring, I, a lifelong Disneyland fan, visited Walt Disney World for the first time, and I knew I needed to create a historical document of the event. Because THE WORLD WOULD DEMAND IT.

Originally, I just wanted to do a silly goofing-off-at-a-theme-park video, like those Christmas Shopping videos I did. Unfortunately, my dorkiness insanity desperate need for attention passion for the subject matter caused it to grow into something beyond my control: a snarky-yet-affectionate park-by-park analysis of the Walt Disney World resort.

Needless to say, the newly-expanded project took me a lot longer to edit than I anticipated (partially because it was so complex, partially because I had other priorities). When the first one alone took almost a year, I decided to wait until I had at least a few done (and the rest close to done) before I started releasing them.

Now that I’m on my way back to Florida for the rest of the year, I figure it’s time to release episode one before I’m tempted to just go back to the parks and start over from scratch. So let’s start off with Magic Kingdom, and the watering down of all my Disneyland memories!

I was in California and went on some rides. It was cool. Really.

This post is about a month and a half overdue. Longtime readers know that’s actually incredibly timely for me.

As you all have no doubt heard by now, I have been back in the glorious state of Connecticut for a while (save one night in Pennsylvania, camping with the Brenner family and company, and an excursion to Jersey for the wedding of one Michael Ortiz and one Vikki Kieffer). As I reflect on my fantastic summer in California, I think back over all of the things I’ve accomplished, from working on one of the most popular web shows around, to apparently shopping at the same supermarket as Steve Carell, to the touristy things I’ve been doing every time I’ve been to the state since my first time, shortly after birth. And what is the quintessential California tourist experience? Why, theme parks, of course!

At the beginning of this summer, I was afraid I wouldn’t have a chance to visit any of the local theme parks, because, let’s face it, theme parks are expensive, and I currently have no income while owing three small fortunes and a kidney before my student loans are squared away. Fortunately, it worked out in my favor that, within a two-day span, I got to visit two of my favorite parks. Those of you who follow me on Twitter have already gotten the even-worse-grammar versions of these stories, but for the slightly less obsessive of my stalkers, here we have “The Story of David Ganssle’s Summer 2009 Trips to Universal Studios Hollywood and Disneyland: Revenge of the Incredibly Non-Succinct Title”. Continue reading