Post-July Check-In

Last month, I made a few resolutions for the month of July. Then things came up, and I got distracted, and didn’t exactly follow through on each goal to the extent I had hoped. But the whole reason I announced my goals publicly was to have accountability as a motivator, so I must tell you exactly where I am in each process.

1. Money raised for Florida – COMPLETED. – *cue Zelda “Item Get” music!* I got it raised in time to go to the conference in Colorado (which took up a lot of my time and prevented me from getting as far as I wanted on other projects, but I’m not complaining). I’m now home in Connecticut, getting ready to begin the drive to Florida on Friday. Bring it on!

2. Outlines for webshows – CONSIDERABLY LESS COMPLETED. Nick and I have taken notes on several of the subjects for the review show, and I’ve begun an actual draft of one of the reviews (which will probably be the season finale). As for the college club sitcom, I’ve been filling out the Storyfix worksheet for the season’s arc, but I still have a lot left to flesh out.

3. The Disney World Vlogs – Stay tuned…

Commentary: The History of the Pirates of the Caribbean


In which I explain what on earth possessed me to dress as a professor and babble about a theme park movie.

Watch the original sketch here.

(I know I said I’d have the reviews of Back to the Future Episode Five and Paranoia up soon. Well, I’ve been busy with travel and whatnot, so they’ve taken longer to edit than I hoped, but don’t worry, they’re still on their way!)

24 Years, Little Motivation

WARNING: The post that follows is somewhat more personal in nature than those usually found in this blog, and contains very few obscure movie or television quotes. Sorry if this bores you.

As of this past Saturday, July 2, I am now 24 years old. Yes, the mid-twenties are here, and I celebrated the old fashioned way: by being a groomsman in my oldest friend’s wedding. It was an exhausting weekend, full of driving all over the state and forgetting how to sleep, but at least there were fireworks basically every night.

I got some great gifts, including a couple of seasons of The Dick Van Dyke Show from the family, and a retweet from one of my comedy idols of my review of his latest release. (I doubt he knew it was my birthday weekend when he retweeted, but I choose to categorize it as a gift anyway.)

In the two years since I graduated from college, I’m sad to say I’ve spent a lot of my time waiting around instead of doing things. Partially due to the nature of my job (raising money takes a long time), and partially out of laziness. Now, fortunately, my fundraising is almost done and I’ll be returning to Florida soon to work until the end of the year. But what about after that, when I’m left to my own devices again? I don’t want to just go back to waiting around. I’m sick of waiting. I need to actually get in the habit of creating. Continue reading

A brief update:

I still have a few more PAX East videos to finish editing and upload, but they’ll be slightly delayed, as I am currently in Pennsylvania for a wedding and will continue to be traveling for the next two weeks or so. I’ll work on videos when I have downtime and energy, but please forgive me if it takes me a while to finish them.

In the meantime, consider this question I’ve been wrestling with all morning: if you were stuck with a really lame superpower when all of your friends got cool ones, would you (A) join their team anyway, (B) stay back at the lab as their analyst/technician/Alfred-type, (C) become their arch-nemesis, or (D) part ways altogether and end up selling life insurance to managers of Mom and Pop coffee shops in Hoboken?

Think about it now…before it catches you off guard.

Vlog: A Very King’s Quest February


Thoughts on Phoenix Online Studios’ “The Silver Lining”, AGDI’s “King’s Quest III Redux”, and the upcoming King’s Quest game from Telltale.

I recorded this one last week, but had a devil of a time uploading it to Blip, so you may have already seen me express these opinions elsewhere on the internet.

And now, I’m off to Boston for PAX East! I’ll try to come back with some fun footage.

Review: Back to the Future: The Game Episode Two

Marty and Doc’s adventure continues…

Oh, and between recording and uploading this vlog, I discovered that Telltale just got the King’s Quest license. I’m not sure if it’s the right fit–after all, Telltale games are easy-but-with-good-stories, while half the fun of the KQ series is its infamous difficulty. However, if there’s one thing Telltale’s good at, it’s capturing the heart of their adapted licenses, at least from a story/humor standpoint. Here’s hoping they can extend that magic to a gameplay standpoint and make a KQ game worthy of the series.
