“Dumb humans!”

<br/><a href="http://video.msn.com/video.aspx?mkt=en-US&vid=6f31eb66-4360-439a-ad62-f2bdf28f550e" _fcksavedurl="http://video.msn.com/video.aspx?mkt=en-US&vid=6f31eb66-4360-439a-ad62-f2bdf28f550e" target="_new" title="Season 3 - Episode 1: Expansion Time">Video: Season 3 - Episode 1: Expansion Time</a> Now that the first episode of the season has gone wide, I…

A Look Back at Monkey Island

(Cross-posted at Associated Content and TGWTG.) With the new announcements from LucasArts and Telltale Games regarding (A) a special edition remake of the original "Secret of Monkey Island" and (B)…