“Dumb humans!”

<br/><a href="http://video.msn.com/video.aspx?mkt=en-US&vid=6f31eb66-4360-439a-ad62-f2bdf28f550e" _fcksavedurl="http://video.msn.com/video.aspx?mkt=en-US&vid=6f31eb66-4360-439a-ad62-f2bdf28f550e" target="_new" title="Season 3 – Episode 1: Expansion Time">Video: Season 3 – Episode 1: Expansion Time</a>

Now that the first episode of the season has gone wide, I can talk about it without spoiling people! So, without further ado, here’s some of my recollections from shooting The Guild S03E01: "Expansion Time".

* First off, everybody involved in production of this show is awesome. EVERYBODY. Felicia is very sweet and very hard working. All the cast members are extremely witty people, and much nicer than their characters indicate. The crew was very helpful and tolerant of my occasional beginner-itis, and they gave me both positive and negative feedback on my work.
* The "Codex Webcam" segments for the season were all shot on the first day of principal photography, which I wasn’t called in for. So I have no insight on the Felicia’s brain freeze.
* The GameStop scenes were all shot on the final two days of principal photography. This particular GameStop is near Anaheim, a little way down the road from Disneyland. Driving back to the freeway on the final day, I could see the fireworks from over the fence, which was nice since I missed them when I was actually AT the park this year.
* It was very, very, VERY hot those last two days. The inside of the GameStop, where (among other things, but most importantly) Craft Services was set up was air conditioned, but I would get used to it within two seconds and it started feeling like ordinary room temperature…until I stepped outside again.
* Side note: GameStop, especially when the demo for "Ghostbusters" is set up, is the second most distracting place you could possibly have a film crew wait. (More on the MOST distracting place later this season.)
* Yes, that is the lovely and talented Kim Evey, web producer extraordinaire, under layers of costuming and grungification as the homeless woman.
* Obviously I didn’t actually talk to Wil Wheaton all that much, since most of my fraternizing was with the crew and not the uber-celebrities, but from our limited interaction, he was quite friendly. It was clear he was having a lot of fun in the role. He also appears to be terrified of large bugs, as the outtake reel will probably demonstrate.
* It’s weird being credited as the electrician. It sounds so much more professional than I feel.

More thoughts as the season continues…

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