“Here’s a small, exciting toy. Now leave.”

<br /><a href="http://video.msn.com/video.aspx?mkt=en-US&amp;vid=09ca7e47-a094-46b3-ace4-d28658ee76a1" target="_new" title="Season 3 - Episode 6: Newbtastic">Video: Season 3 &#8211; Episode 6: Newbtastic</a>

Look, a new Guild episode! As always, I’ve typed up a few memories from the shoot, and you’re just stuck reading them. Or scrolling past them, if you must.

* I wasn’t on set the day they shot in the office building, so I have no insight on any of those scenes. I know, you’re disappointed.
* Vork’s scenes were filmed at the same big high school where many other scenes were filmed. This is the only time it was necessarily supposed to look like a school, which meant backing the van up on a wide stretch of sidewalk.
* In the apartment, I was quite amused taking down framed religious art, Bible verses, and quotes from hymns, only to replace it with Riley’s decorations. You don’t see them particularly clearly here, but the things in Riley’s room are particularly entertaining, including photographs on the mirror of all the people whose innocence she’s taken…which was pretty much all of the crew.
* I love all of Riley’s scenes, especially after having seen Michele Boyd act in person. She’s incredibly funny and charismatic, which makes her such a fun semi-villain. And, of course, she seemed very sweet in person, and even acted amused by my “I Agree With Dave” shirt.
* Is it intentional that Zaboo’s wearing the Holy Grail T-shirt in the episode released so soon after Python’s 40th anniversary? Probably not, but it’s awesome.
* Some of my favorite moments from this season are still to come. As a fan who got lucky enough to become involved in my own small way, it’s unbelievably exciting to watch it come together.

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